He is the lead role

Are you in awe of the cross?
I certainly wasn't most of my time here and only in the past few weeks have I begun to comprehend what Jesus did...how incredible a love, how mighty a Savior, how Anointed with grace that he would do something so infinite.

Last night Kelsey and I had a 3 hour conversation about a lot of things, but really centralized on God and what life looking like Him really is. It's scary that we can be so incredibly prideful in acts of humility.

During evangelism yesterday I spoke with a guy and at the end he shook my hand and hugged me. The disturbing thing I immediately thought was, 'Why is this man hugging me? This is weird...ew,' and then my next thought was, 'How do you think you're above hugging people? What do you think you looked like when Jesus found you? Jesus loves these people, He loves them all, and he doesn't care what they look like...and that I was one of the worst.'

Talk about a humbling moment. My heart just broke for God's grace...how much I yearn to be like Him.

I always wonder if Jesus was here today if I would follow him.
It's something to think about and be honest with yourself. Why haven't I been able to say YES, of course I would...because in the earthly I can be many things, most of which, do not look like Jesus.

But God says that I am different, set apart, adopted...so I choose to be those things by His grace and nothing else, thank you Holy Spirit.

As we spend this Saturday packing and cleaning so we can leave for Biarritz tomorrow I am happy to say that I feel clean and I feel like my heart doesn't have any baggage right now. There's this cloud nine feeling coursing through my veins. And I think it comes from knowing

He is everything.

Tomorrow's Friday, Friday!

Part of our ministry time in Paris has been to work and run the restaurant run by the Youth With A Mission base here while their current team is on outreach. It has been a fun experience, last week was my turn on the rotations to be in the kitchen cooking and I learned how to flambe! Half of the team works in the restaurant on Friday and Saturday nights and since this is our last weekend in Paris, that means that today was our last full day as an entire team.

So we went to the Eiffel Tower and met one of the ministries that we worked with in London and had lunch under the tower with them, then we took the metro back to Belleville to have history class, we took the metro back to the Eiffel Tower and looked at all of the freemasonry that was represented on different monuments and then we walked down Champs-Elysees praying for the area. It was a good last day.

The next few days will be full of packing, cleaning, and evangelizing! I'm excited for the weekend and I should definitely get in bed (it's 11:32 pm here in France). And as Rihanna says...'cheers to the freakin' weekend.'