Is That Really You, GOD?

God is consistently wrecking me for His words, to speak life into His lost lambs.
Two instances of people yearning for Jesus:

Earlier this week we found out that 2 of the rooms in the house had bed bugs. This spurred those two rooms having to do laundry at the public laundromat for about 7 hours. A few students took their books, Is That Really You God or ITRYG, to read while they washed. While they were there they began to talk to an English-speaking woman who was really interested in the book and what it was about. One of the students began to tell her it was about hearing the voice of God and the start of YWAM. Of course this led to questions about what YWAM was and the student was able to share what we were doing here in Biarritz and what our ultimate mission here was. The woman yearned for God and His love and told them how her family thought she was crazy for wanting to believe...they continued to talk for awhile and the student gave the woman his copy of ITRYG. She offered to pay several times not realizing how much more God wants to give her, the student denied payment, but extended an invite to come and this woman was leaving one of the female students said, "You know, this wasn't a coincidence that you met us here today." to which she replied, "I know, because on my way here, I asked God to show himself to me today." It was really beautiful.

The second being when we did evangelism at the beach. One of the girls asked a woman if she could share her testimony and the woman agreed. As the girl told her testimony the woman began to cry and they prayed together. God is moving, His power is beyond everything and without compare. I just...cannot begin to explain what He is doing here!

We have a book report due Monday over Is That Really You, God? which is the story of how YWAM began and the vision, the love, the everything that went into what it is now. The book definitely changed my life...just reading what God had done in these people's lives! It just really opened me up to who God is and the point He is trying to get across to, I see prayer differently, I see trusting Him differently, I see parts of my calling differently. The book really is going to help me further my submission to God's will!

So now I face decisions, I have things in front of me that must be taken care of, and I have things to confess and people to whom I need to apologize for a series of things.

I must ask that God gives me faith and reassurance to seek Him and not His creations, to truly understand how marvelous He is and that nothing is beyond His grasp, that financial obligations are nothing to Him and that you must trust in His deliverance to truly understand His grace.

Just gotta keep my eyes on the Creator and praise Him and not the things created which I find myself doing too much of.


I'm finding myself more annoyed with who I am, people and their priorities, sick distortions of what abundant life looks like. "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."-Mt 9:37. There's a ton of frustration with the 20 years I've lived, 5 of them being a Christian, all of them being a blind fool. I just, can' like that anymore. I've seen so much darkness that blankets this place...what have I been doing all these years???

Life has no meaning if it does not honor God.
Society does not dictate God.
My peers do not dictate God.
Nothing overcomes Him, there is not one place He looks on this earth and does not say mine.
We are such small creations trying to define something bigger than we could ever imagine.
To look at the ocean and say nothing exists is pure ignorance.
To attempt to control your own life or get past God is ridiculous.

And so long have I lived in this ignorance.
*How I've been living and how I should be living is all over the Bible: men will stop listening to sound doctrine (2 Tim 4:3), equality with God is not attainable (Philippians 2:6), show mercy for those who doubt (Jude 22-23), be willing to serve and be an example to the flock (1 Peter 5:2-4)

I control my life, I'll have an internship, I'll do all these things and make x amount of dollars in the hopes that one day I will look at my life and be happy with who I am. Maybe one day my family will be proud of me. All this to just feed the world's obsession with what I should be...which is everything but happy.

Am I to live my life, make money, obtain the 'American Dream', and then die and nothing happens?
To think primordial soup happened and thus the beauty of the world was formed.

My mind cannot fathom it.

Now that I'm here serving God...working the harvest..and I hear people say, "That doesn't sound fun," or things like, "I'm so heartbroken that you aren't here." Why?

For your own selfish reasons? Because you have your own agenda to attend to as if the Creator of the Universe doesn't already have a plan for your life? Jer 29:11

I have no idea what the future holds, but the truth in that is this: I've never known.
I didn't know when I was in high school, I didn't know when I was in college.
And I don't know now. It has been and will forever be a mystery.
Here's what I do know..only now have I ever been completely in God's will.

Because, for once, I am so at peace.

Second Week, Morning Phase 1

I wanted to share a few notes from lecture this morning:

Whatever you give up, God will give you back 100% fold.
When God reveals, you make it happen right then and there.
If you want to be like God, you've got to take Him seriously.
More than a thousand years ago we go the name Christians, because we looked like Christ.
In your behavior, reflect God.
From the beginning, God has wanted us to be His presentation, His hands and feet, to the world.
A Christian who willfully disobeys God prevents others from entering into the Kingdom.
People and society are not the standard.
Sin is a righteous need fulfilled in an unrighteous way.

--Until you believe that God is good then you will not live fully in His will.
No more wrestling and no more fighting, God. Je t'appartiens. I belong to you.

I'm proud of who God is building me up to be. Such hope that He is instilling very deep inside of me to know His will and to hear His heartbeat, it's beautiful. 

I will post again soon, things are going so well here! Love you all!
Also, the link to give/donate money is on the right :)