With the pigeons above me and the mice below me it seems to be true that I have arrived in Paris.
Beautiful sunshine has covered us as we walked along the Seine worshipping the God that reigns, speaking out truth along the streets, and praying in the Notre Dame. While it's amazing there is a real fight going on. The kind that makes Ephesians 6.12 really spring to life, we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against the spiritual evil in the heavenly realms, and let me say that the evil here knows who we are.
As I walk down the street and men come out of their shops, sit up against their shop doors looking at me like American boys eye the latest edition of Call of Duty, I realize that spiritually something else is happening here. There is this ferocity on their faces, they look gruff, they could physically strong arm me, and in the area of Paris where it isn't safe for a woman to be out late at night all of those things sound intimidating...and yet they aren't. Though I should be scared I realize that I have all authority and in any situation like that there is absolutely no way that the evil in this world can overcome Jesus Christ.
As a prayer request though, you can pray for the men on our team who live in a rougher part of Paris than we are, and have been followed and threatened the last days. In the authority of Jesus Christ I know that nothing will harm them because God wants to prosper each one of them as He promises in Jeremiah 29.11, but I also pray for breakthrough with these young men. It is so easy to judge them and I just think there is enough of that in the world without the Christians doing it, too. God loves them just as He loves us and we need to show them that.
I am so excited for what the Lord is going to do here in the next few weeks and there is more reality to the fact that I am going to be leaving this land in a little over a month and heading back to one that I have known all my life. I just wonder what is next? I'm not worried, because I know that the Lord has a plan and that He never fails so I trust in that.
Today, Kelsey and I went shopping with Juan to a grocery store made for restaurant owners only to buy food for our first night working in the restaurant that is run by YWAM Paris! It was a really hot day so I wore a tank top and shorts but to my surprise it was extremely cold inside the store, tomorrow I will be prepared. Kelsey snapped a shot of me...I am shaking and telling Juan that I am "SO COLD!" and as the norm goes around here, he is laughing at me! :)
Personal prayer requests would be for my family to be strengthened in their faith, to have open hearts to the words and convictions, safe travels, accomodations in New York, financial donations to come in for future ministry and travel, and for a firm ground when I get back to Oklahoma to find a church family to grow in and be loved. :)
Before we left London, we did some work with a church that I very much fell in love with, St. Peter's. Here are a few videos that we made for them, The Road to Emmaus
Beautiful sunshine has covered us as we walked along the Seine worshipping the God that reigns, speaking out truth along the streets, and praying in the Notre Dame. While it's amazing there is a real fight going on. The kind that makes Ephesians 6.12 really spring to life, we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against the spiritual evil in the heavenly realms, and let me say that the evil here knows who we are.
As I walk down the street and men come out of their shops, sit up against their shop doors looking at me like American boys eye the latest edition of Call of Duty, I realize that spiritually something else is happening here. There is this ferocity on their faces, they look gruff, they could physically strong arm me, and in the area of Paris where it isn't safe for a woman to be out late at night all of those things sound intimidating...and yet they aren't. Though I should be scared I realize that I have all authority and in any situation like that there is absolutely no way that the evil in this world can overcome Jesus Christ.
I am so excited for what the Lord is going to do here in the next few weeks and there is more reality to the fact that I am going to be leaving this land in a little over a month and heading back to one that I have known all my life. I just wonder what is next? I'm not worried, because I know that the Lord has a plan and that He never fails so I trust in that.

Personal prayer requests would be for my family to be strengthened in their faith, to have open hearts to the words and convictions, safe travels, accomodations in New York, financial donations to come in for future ministry and travel, and for a firm ground when I get back to Oklahoma to find a church family to grow in and be loved. :)
Before we left London, we did some work with a church that I very much fell in love with, St. Peter's. Here are a few videos that we made for them, The Road to Emmaus
Doubting Thomas,
as well as an evangelism
tool that we used was to have open mic/coffee house nights and I
performed! Enjoy the content :)